It seems that there’s a growing negative consensus about the prepper stereotype. When those who do not “prep” are asked what they think about preppers, the answer trend seems to be that all preppers are weirdo’s, some sort of mad scientists, or poor hillbillies. Even though there are definitely each of these type of people that prep, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The definition of “prep ” or ” prepare ” in the Free Dictionary is :
* To make ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion
* To put together or make by combining various elements or ingredients; manufacture or compound
* To fit out; equip
* To make things or oneself ready
* to put in proper condition or readiness.
So, as you can see by definition that what these preppers are really doing is preparing themselves and their loved ones for whatever the future brings. In most cases, preppers will stock up on emergency food, water, survival gear, and even some sort of family protection. Now do these actions reflect that of a weirdo, mad scientist, or irrational thinker? I think not! In fact, the majority of preppers are middle class Americans that live in the suburbs and hold down respectable jobs, take the kids to soccer practice and ballet, and even pray.
The prepper stereotype is probably led on in big part by mainstream media, or MSM, for short. It seems that the ” higher ups ” are trying to shed a bad light and look down on these people that have the foresight to take control of their own safety and future. They’re helping to paint the ” weirdo ” picture by televising only the extreme versions of the prepper. These prepping television shows which by the way, I watch, learn from, and enjoy, show extremist and wealthy preppers that have many years of food storage on hand, bugout vehicles covered in bulletproof armor, and underground bunkers that will shelter them from everything and anything the world throws at it. Most preppers have way less preps on hand. Like I said earlier, most prepper families have only backups of emergency food and water packed away in their home. The prepper stereotype would make you think that all preppers go to the extremes. The fact is that there’s millions of preppers out there, and they’re all doing what they can. Of course some will have more preps than others, some will be prepared for several different SHTF scenarios, and some have almost every base covered.
By taking action now, preppers are not leaving their family’s survival in the hands of the government, or anyone else for that matter. In most cases, they are slowly building up an inventory of food and supplies that will benefit them during natural disasters, in-climate weather, power outages, when TSHTF ( the Sh*t hits the fan ), and in some cases TEOTWAWKI ( the end of the world as we know it ). Storing up food, water, and survival supplies is no different than putting money into a savings account. Your building up your reserves for when the time comes that you need it. And when TSHTF , I think that the family that stocked up on supplies will fare way better than the family that saved up tons of money in the bank. When there’s a power outage or grid failure, money in the bank is worthless. Think about that for a minute!
Today’s preppers are smart and resourceful. They’re harnessing the power of the internet to educate themselves with everything they need to know about prepping. Not only can they buy emergency food and supplies online from home, they can unite with other like-minded individuals in their geographical area, and share valuable information passed on from experienced preppers. So you can see that the times, they are a changing!
The prepper stereotype is just that, a stereotype, and it’s not even a good one! So the next time that you’re out and about, take a good look at the people around you because they might just be a prepper. And who cares if some of them might be weirdo’s, mad scientists, or “hillbillies “. The fact is, they will be prepared and surviving while those who are not taking action today will have to face the zombies!
Get Prepping Today, Tomorrow’s Too Late!